Master Muscle Building Efficiently

Unlock peak muscle growth with BicepGuru – your ultimate bodybuilding guide and support based in Moscow.

Build Strength

Unlock Moscow Muscle Gains

Transform your bodybuilding journey with BicepGuru, your ultimate Telegram guide for mastering muscle growth and strength.

Streamline Your Gym Routine

Personalized Workout Plans

Get customized workout routines tailored to your bodybuilding goals and fitness level.

Nutrition Tracking Assistance

Monitor your dietary intake efficiently and receive guidance on optimal nutrition for muscle growth.

Progress Monitoring Tools

Track your bodybuilding progress with advanced metrics to stay motivated and achieve milestones.

Community Support and Tips

Join a community of bodybuilders, share experiences, and get tips from professionals.

All Bot functions:

- Calorie counting using calorie calculator and BMI index

- Calculation of protein norms and the amount of protein consumed per day using a database on the amount of protein in certain products and manual entry

- Reminders to meet your daily protein and calorie goals

- Reminders to not skip leg day and cardio

- Several training plans that will be offered to the user depending on their preferences and several questions that they must answer about themselves

- Tips on exercise technique, nutrition and etiquette in the gym

- Tips on some nutritional supplements

- Small motivational messages with memes and jokes related to the gym

-  BicepGuru user community chat access

- Showing the Lead Dev's entire 183 song gym playlist

Optimize Performance

Maximize Gains with Smart Tracking

Achieve peak performance in bodybuilding with personalized training insights from our advanced Telegram bot. Join now for success.

Maximize Gains

Optimize Your Training Results

Enhance your bodybuilding journey with expert guidance from BicepGuru—your trusted Telegram partner for optimal muscle growth.

Contact BicepGuru for Assistance

Reach out to us, your Moscow-based bodybuilding bot experts, for inquiries or support.

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